Potential candidates: Application packets for ACC positions are due tonight
It's that time of year again – ACC elections are here. Do you want a chance to have your voice heard? Do you have ideas on how to better St. Thomas? Are you interested in being a part of the All College Council?
Application packets for the ACC elections for the 2007-2008 school year are due tonight, Monday, April 16, at the mandatory candidates' meeting. The meeting begins at 9 p.m. in Room 155, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
For a full timeline of events and to download an application packet, visit www.stthomas.edu/acc.
Positions Available
Executive vice president
VP of public relations
VP of financial affairs
VP of academic affairs
VP administrative affairs
Senior class president
Senior class senator (two positions)
Junior class president
Junior class senator (two positions)
Sophomore class president
Sophomore class senator (two positions)
Legislative affairs senator
Commuter senator
Residential senator
Neighborhood senator (two positions)
Elections and credentials chair
Transfer senator
For more information e-mail ACC President Joe Charland.