Q. I've noticed an explosion of interest in Pinterest.com. How can I determine if it is a worthy pursuit for the marketing of my business? Does it deserve resources that would otherwise be invested in other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter?
Albert Hepp
Buyself Realty Inc.
A. The dilemma you face regarding Pinterest.com will continue to haunt businesses of all sizes as social media continues to evolve -- something that likely won't slow down anytime soon.
The foundational question you are asking really settles on whether committing resources to this new channel of communication is like getting on board early at Facebook or getting on early at Friendster. So, what to do?
Always start with your key audiences, and take the lead from them. If you see a few folks in your existing client base begin using a new tool or channel -- that might be a leading indicator -- but resist the temptation to jump in just because there is "buzz."
This post was originally published in the Star Tribune's Ask the Consultant column, read the rest of the answer there.