Common Ground and Catholic Witness host Mardi Gras Carnivale
Common Ground and Catholic Witness will host Mardi Gras Carnivale at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20. The St. Thomas version of carnivale will be held at Common Ground, 2154 Summit Ave.
Supplies will be on hand for participants to create their own masks for the event and compete for prizes. Ice cream sundaes with all the toppings will be available to celebrate the occasion.
Attendees are asked to bring something to share that they are giving up for Lent. For example, if you are giving up chocolate, bring a few pieces to share. If you are giving up television, bring your favorite movie to watch. This is the last chance to indulge before the season of Lent begins.
Attendees are encouraged to wear black and white apparel.
For more information, e-mail Lauren Edge.