Entre Today: 'Creativity – Finding and Keeping It in Your Organization'
Glenn Karwoski, an adjunct instructor at the University of St. Thomas, will discuss "Creativity – Finding and Keeping It in Your Organization" at this month's Entre Today breakfast seminar.
The seminar will be held from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Friday, Oct. 26, on the Minneapolis campus.
Glenn Karwoski teaches The Creative Process class in the Master of Business Communication program and is the managing director of Karwoski & Courage.
At the seminar he will explore creativity as a deliberate business strategy and the key characteristics of high-performing creative organizations; how to assemble the best teams for creative development in an enterprise and finding time for creativity; keeping employees motivated to create; and how to have better and more productive ideation and brainstorming meetings.
Discounts are available to UST students, alumni, faculty and staff. For more information or to register, call the Center for Business Excellence, (651) 962-4600, or visit the Entre Today Web page.