Former president of the Republic of Cape Verde to speak on campus tomorrow
Contemporary African trends and developments related to democratic leadership, and free-market reform will be discussed when António Mascarenhas Monteiro, former president of the Republic of Cape Verde, presents “The Obstacles of Leadership and Prospectus for the Future.”
This seminar, co-sponsored by Father Dennis Dease, president of the University of St. Thomas, and the College of Applied Professional Studies, will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27, in Thornton Auditorium, Terrence Murphy Hall on the Minneapolis campus. It is free and open to the public.
Drawing from his experience as a former head of state, Monteiro will reflect on the obstacles that his country and the African continent face in development and diplomatic affairs as well as the outlook for Africa's future.
For more information, contact Allissa Koenen , (651) 962-4983.