The University of St. Thomas libraries are offering these new electronic resources:
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics contains hundreds of tables of the critically evaluated data most frequently needed by scientists. The handbook is revised annually to reflect newer important subjects such as climate change and high-temperature superconductors. Coverage includes: analytical chemistry, astronomy, atomic and molecular physics, biochemistry, chemical compounds, constants and units, electrochemistry, elements and isotopes, fluid properties, geophysics, health and safety information, materials properties, mathematical tables, nomenclature and symbols, nuclear and particle physics, polymer properties, and thermochemistry. This electronic resource is available via the UST Libraries website.
New functionality of ProQuest databases
Thirty of the most popular UST electronic research databases, including ERIC, Ethnic Newswatch, ProQuest Newsstand and PsycArticles, have a new search interface. Read about the improved functionality of ProQuest databases in the UST Libraries blog.
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For more information about these and other electronic resources, stop by a UST library reference desk, or call, e-mail or IM a UST reference librarian. (Find contact information here.)