Library today: PsycINFO database helpful to psychology and social science researchers
From UST Libraries
Database of the week
The UST libraries continue to add new electronic resources and will highlight them over the next several weeks in the Bulletin Today. This week's featured database is PsycINFO.
Published by the American Psychological Association, PsycINFO contains citations and abstracts from book chapters, dissertations and technical reports along with the full text of almost 300 journals relating to professional and academic literature of psychology and behavioral sciences.
PsycINFO also includes material that is relevant to related fields such as management, business, education, law, medicine and social work. Some material in this resource dates to 1887, and current information is updated quarterly. Because of the size and scope of this database users can search PsycINFO with keywords, but advanced searches, using limiting fields such as subject headings, author, date, target audience, etc., will yield more precise results.
For more information on how to access and effectively search PsycINFO or any other library database, please call a UST reference librarian at either (651) 962-5001 or (651) 962-4664.