Luann Dummer Center for Women seeks new director
Dr. Debra Petersen, director, Luann Dummer Center for Women, will step down from this position after six years of leadership. The center’s advisory board will seek a person to become the new director, beginning summer 2006.
The position description and application procedures follow.
Position description for the director, Luann Dummer Center for Women
The University of St. Thomas is seeking a full-time tenured faculty member to be director of the Luann Dummer Center for Women. Compensation for this position is the equivalent of three courses released time per year, plus January Term and summer stipend.
The director is responsible for:
- Planning and organizing the activities and programs sponsored by the Center for Women, including the Luann Dummer Lecture Series to be held annually in March, Women’s History Month;
- Creating partnerships and coordinating activities with other UST groups and programs, including especially those activities sponsored by the University Committee on Women and by the Women’s Studies Program during Women’s History Month;
- Serving on the Coordinating Council of the University Committee on Women, the Women’s Studies Advisory Committee, and the Affirmative Action Committee;
- Developing and maintaining the art collection of the center and its collection of books, periodicals and other educational resources;
- Chairing the advisory board of the center and coordinating the selection of its members;
- Forming relationships with centers for women on other campuses throughout the country and with local women’s organizations as appropriate;
- Administering the grant, fellowship and scholarship programs of the center;
- Administering the center, including:
- Managing its budgets
– Hiring and supervising its employees and student workers
– Coordinating the care of the physical space
– Overseeing the use of its meeting spaces
– Supervising maintenance of the center’s Web site and the publication of the Many Voices newsletter
The anticipated starting date is July 1, 2006. The director will serve a three-year term, renewable once, with the possibility of reapplying for the position after a period of two years. The director reports to Dr. Nancy Zingale, executive assistant to the president.
Application procedures
Applicants are requested to send the following materials to Zingale via e-mail or to Mail AQU 102 by Friday, March 10, 2006: 1) a résumé, 2) a letter of application outlining the reasons for interest in the position and relevant experience, and 3) a statement from the candidate’s department chair indicating the department’s willingness to release the candidate’s time to the center. Electronic submission is preferred.