Minneapolis police chief to speak Nov. 2
Minneapolis police chief Tim Dolan, who has B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of St. Thomas, will be the next speaker in the St. Thomas Alumni Association’s 2007-2008 First Friday Luncheon Series.
The luncheon begins at noon Friday, Nov. 2, in the Schulze Grand Atrium of the St. Thomas School of Law, located at 12th Street and Harmon Place, in downtown Minneapolis.
Dolan was appointed chief of police Jan. 1 after serving as interim chief for nine months. Since joining the Minneapolis Police Department in 1983, he had served in many key leadership roles, including deputy chief, commander of the 4th Precinct, director of training, and commander of the narcotics unit and the emergency response unit. Dolan began his career in law enforcement as a Hennepin County deputy sheriff in 1978.
Dolan is expected to talk about the challenges of his first year as chief, including the aftermath of the I-35W bridge collapse.
On first Fridays of each month during the academic year, the St. Thomas Alumni Association's First Friday Luncheon Series offers lunch and a speaker of current interest. St. Thomas alumni and friends, along with the general public, are invited. Cost of each luncheon and presentation is $25. A limited number of $10 tickets are available to UST students at the St. Thomas Box Office.
Reservations for the Nov. 2 luncheon are due Friday, Oct. 26. Early reservations are recommended as these events fill quickly. For reservations and more information, call the St. Thomas Alumni Association, (651) 962-6430, or register online at the association’s Web site, https://www.stthomas.edu/alumni.