University of St. Thomas Provost Richard Plumb recently announced a new organizational structure for the areas he oversees.
“My role is to collaborate with the president to advance the overall strategic direction of the university, focusing particularly on its academic mission, vision and goals,” said Plumb in a Feb. 2 email to university faculty and staff. “As a result of discussions with faculty, staff and students, I have organized the Executive Vice President and Provost's Office in a way that I believe will best support the university's mission and its new strategic plan.”
The provost oversees three major areas: the colleges and schools; other academic-related units, including enrollment management, information technology, the libraries, and global and local engagement; and all facets of student life, including residential life and career services.
Accordingly, the organizational structure of the Provost's Office now reflects three working groups: Academic Affairs, Colleges and Schools, and Administrative Affairs. Each group member directly reports to the provost.
The Academic Affairs group includes Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Joseph Kreitzer; Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies Michael Jordan; newly appointed Associate Vice Provost for Global and Local Engagement Camille George; and Director of University Libraries Dan Gjelten.
The Administrative Affairs group includes Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Karen Lange; Interim Vice President for Information Resources Technology Chris Gregg; Vice President for Enrollment Management Daniel Meyer; and Vice President for Planning and Decision Support Michael Cogan.
Representing Colleges and Schools are their deans: College of Arts and Sciences Dean Terence Langan; Opus College of Business Dean Stefanie Lenway; College of Education, Leadership and Counseling Dean Mark Salisbury; School of Social Work Dean Barbara Shank; School of Engineering Dean Donald Weinkauf; School of Law Dean Robert Vischer; and School of Divinity Dean Christopher Thompson.

As part of the new organizational structure, Plumb announced Jan. 28 the creation of the new position, associate vice provost for global and local engagement, to which he appointed professor Camille George.
In her new role, George will provide leadership and create strategic partnerships to advance community and international initiatives in support of the university's mission. In addition, she will be responsible for international activities, including study abroad, international scholar exchange programs, special initiatives, and collaborative agreements with international universities and nonprofit organizations.
A UST faculty member since 2002, George will work closely with the new vice president for mission, Father Larry Snyder, the academic deans and Student Affairs to mobilize and strengthen university and community-based partnerships that prepare students to become engaged citizens. She will collaborate with faculty to help create opportunities for the development and delivery of innovative programming to enhance student learning and address community-identified needs, and foster service-learning throughout the university.
View the organizational structure of the Provost’s Office (PDF) and read the job descriptions of the members of the Provost’s Office working groups (PDF).