September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month
From St. Thomas' Public Safety Department
The national nonprofit organization Security On Campus Inc. awarded St. Thomas' Public Safety one of 50 toolkits to allow it to participate in the first annual National Campus Safety Awareness Month in September 2006.
The mission of Security On Campus is to prevent violence, substance abuse and other crimes in college and university campus communities across the United States and to compassionately assist the victims of these crimes.
Public Safety will receive a package containing a 3-foot by 10-foot banner, posters, promotional items, a programming toolkit, PowerPoint slides on Internet safety and a sample event calendar. This toolkit will help Public Safety coordinate campuswide safety activities and education during September.
Public Safety became aware of this opportunity through participation in this year’s annual International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) conference.
Efforts will be coordinated through Wells Farnham, crime prevention lead officer. If you would like to assist with or participate in making this a successful event, call Farnham, (651) 962-5105.
Read more about this safety programming on the National Campus Safety Awareness Month Web site.