Study abroad: Today is priority application deadline for J-Term 2007 programs
If you want to be considered for priority enrollment, you must submit your January Term 2007 program application to the International Education Center by today, Monday, April 10. Applications are downloadable off the Study Abroad Web site. Program descriptions and cost information also are available online or at the IEC, 44 N. Cleveland Ave.
For questions regarding January Term 2007 programs, contact the International Education Center, (651) 962-6450.
Study Abroad Orientation, Saturday, April 22, for students studying abroad for the 2006-07 academic year or fall 2006
Are you studying abroad for the 2006-07 academic year or fall 2006? You are required to attend an orientation from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 22, in the auditorium, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center. This orientation is mandatory.
The orientation agenda will include lunch and breakout sessions such as travel basics and information about different education systems, information sessions with returnees from your program or country, and more.
Please register with the International Education Center by Thursday, April 13.