Sustainability video winners announced
The winners of the Sustainability Video Contest were announced Thursday, April 24, at the third of the President’s Three Great Conversations on “Sustainability and Care for the Environment.”
The winning videos are posted on YouTube and will also be posted on the new St. Thomas Web site on sustainability, which will be online soon.
The winners (with links to the videos on YouTube):
- First place: UST Bike Commuters
- Second place: Engineers for a Sustainable World
- Third place (tie): The Grill, and Undergraduate Student Government
You won’t want to miss viewing these clever and insightful videos! Our thanks go to all who participated in this creative venture. Prizes for the competition included: first prize: $300; second prize: $200; third prize $100 (for each). The winning entries were judged on originality, creativity, collaboration, inspiration, impact, humor, accuracy and length (ideally, 90 seconds or less).
Thanks, too, to all those who helped to make this series of Three Great Conversations successful – especially the planning committee members. Nominees were advanced by the faculty, the two exempt councils, the Undergraduate Student Government and UST Graduate programs.
Father Dennis Dease, president of the university, appointed these nominees to the planning committee: Elise Amel, Simon Emms, Camille George, Tom Hamilton, Bob Douglas, Gayle Lamb, Cathy Crowell, Daniel P. Vevang, Andrew DePompolo, Steve Lay, Margaret (Maggie) Donohue, Angela Streit, Carl Mickman, Tony Caruso, Eve Commerford and Helen Hunter.