The Rose Ensemble to perform CD-release concert, 'Cantiga!' on Oct. 22
The professional choral ensemble, The Rose Ensemble, kicks off the 2006 Sacred Arts Festival with a CD-release concert, "Cantiga!" at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, in the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas.
The program of songs from Spain, spanning four centuries, is centered around themes and text of Mary and exhibits a wide influence of chants and choral music with Arabic, sacred and secular influences.
The new CD, "Cantiga!" will be released and available for purchase following the concert. A limited number of free tickets (two per UST ID) for students, faculty and staff are available in the UST Box Office. Tickets will be available for $25 and $15 for purchase at the door or in advance at the Rose Ensemble Web site.
For further information, call (651) 962-6560, or visit the Sacred Arts Festival Web site.