Today is the last day to vote for the 2010 Tommie Award finalists.
Students, faculty and staff can vote online today to select the three finalists for the 2010 award. The Tommie Award, which represents the highest ideals of the university, has been presented to a senior annually since 1931 and recognizes accomplishments in scholarship, leadership and campus involvement.
When voters access the ballot they will be prompted for their St. Thomas username and password. Unsure of your password? Visit the password Web site or contact the IRT Help Desk, (651) 962-6230.
A profile and photo of each nominee is provided at the voting Web site. For each nominee, you can view:
- A personal profile of scholarship, leadership, and campus involvement
- A résumé
- Three testimonial statements
To vote click here.
At the conclusion of the preliminary voting, three nominees will be announced for the final voting process in mid-February 2010.
The Tommie Award will be presented at the St. Thomas Day celebration in March 2010. For more information, contact Amanda Suniti Niskodé-Dossett.