UST in the News

UST in the news

Here's a roundup of recent stories of interest that mention St. Thomas.

Read the stories by clicking on the links. Links do expire and change as papers move stories to “archive” status, so be sure to read stories soon if you’re interested. In some cases, you’ll need to register on the publication’s Web site in order to access the stories.

If you see a story about St. Thomas and would like us to include mention of it, be sure to drop us a note at

  • “Veterans Day observances,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Nov. 10, 2004. “University of St. Thomas ROTC cadets hold 24-hour vigil from noon Thursday to noon Friday. Also, Jim Johns, a Korean War veteran and Army aviation officer, will speak at 12:30 p.m. in the 3M Auditorium of Owens Science Hall, 2115 Summit Ave.”
  • “Nick Coleman: A friendship that crossed the line – in a good way,” Star Tribune, Nov. 10, 2004 . The late Jim Binger, former CEO of Honeywell, died recently. UST faculty member Marv Davidov, “longtime thorn-in-the-side and founder of the antiwar group known as the Honeywell Project, was unable to attend Binger's funeral because he was teaching a class in justice and peace studies at the University of St. Thomas. While it may be distressing news to some on both sides of the old antiwar divide, it now can be told: Jim Binger and Marv Davidov, while not exactly bosom buddies, became old friends.”
  • “Parents challenged and teens supported at eighth annual Family Forum,” The Catholic Spirit, Nov. 11, 2004. More than 200 people attended the eighth annual forum at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, which was sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Family, Laity, Youth and Young Adults.
  • “Minnesota hospitals are investing millions in neuroscience,” Star Tribune, Nov. 15, 2004. “‘The question is how much should patients, only a few of which need the device, pay whether in insurance premiums or tax subsidies or out of their pockets?’ said Dave Durenberger, the former U.S. senator who teaches at University of St. Thomas and is a specialist in health care issues.”
  • "Forceia gets eight years in prison," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Nov. 16, 2004. Patrick Forceia, political consultant, sports entrepreneur and St. Thomas alumnus, was sentenced "for stealing more than $5 million from banks and other associates while trying to buy two minor league hockey teams."