“Zell group acquires Normandale office park,” Finance and Commerce, Aug. 30, 2012. “An affiliate of Chicago-based Equity Group Investments – founded by legendary dealmaker Sam Zell – has acquired the massive Normandale Lake Office Park in Bloomington.”
“Inside view: Herb Tousley,” Star Tribune, Aug. 30, 2012. “It's been nearly three years since commercial real estate industry veteran Herb Tousley took over as director of the University of St. Thomas' real estate master's degree program and the university's Shenehon Center for Real Estate.”
“College path speaks volumes about Tommies' James,” Star Tribune, Aug. 31, 2012. “St. Thomas football coach Glenn Caruso uses phrases such as ‘very sharp,’ ‘constantly thinking’ and ‘ridiculously thoughtful’ in describing center Curtis James.”
“Twin Cities homebuilding notched strong gains in August,” Finance and Commerce, Aug. 31, 2012. “Local homebuilders stayed busy during the dog days of August, as year-over-year monthly permit numbers were up dramatically for the seventh consecutive month and the planned housing unit count more than doubled.”
“Ask the consultant: How to reward one person without causing team problems,” Star Tribune, Sept. 2, 2012. “What's the best way to reward an associate without wreaking havoc on team dynamics?”
“Voter ID headed for ballot as is,” Minnesota Daily, Sept. 4, 2012. “The Legislature’s original question will appear on the ballot and Legislature has the authority to name proposed amendment questions.”
“Constitution defines, but does not owe, freedom,” Star Tribune, Sept. 5, 2012. “Whenever the law expands the freedoms of one person or group, it necessarily contracts those of another.”
“Don't Believe The Global Warmists, Major Hurricanes Are Less Frequent,” Forbes, Sept. 5, 2012. “When Hurricane Isaac made landfall in southern Louisiana last week, the storm provided a rare break in one of the longest periods of hurricane inactivity in U.S. history.”
“Gay Marriage Infringes Freedom of Its Opponents, Law Prof Argues in Op-Ed,” ABA Journal, Sept. 6, 2012. “When the law expands one person’s freedom, it restricts that of another. That principle applies in the context of gay marriage, according to University of St. Thomas law professor Robert Delahunty.”
“Ruben Rosario: A much-deserved honor for Minnesota's sisters,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 8, 2012. “I learned a good lesson early on: Don't mess with the nuns.”
“Home prices keep momentum,” Star Tribune, Sept. 13, 2012. “Reflecting a Twin Cities housing market slowly on the mend, closings and prices are up, but listings are down.”