A Leadership Academy session titled “We All Serve: Veterans of America” will be held Tuesday, Nov. 10. This inaugural session is designed to help the UST community better support veterans on campus, staff and faculty members, as well as family members of veterans.
Returning to an “ordinary” life can be an intense challenge for veterans returning home from military service. Participants in this session will learn about the types of issues veterans may face, how they may experience the UST culture, and how faculty and staff can create an inclusive environment to help them succeed.
The session will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Great Room (Room 100) of McNeely Hall. Instructors are Tim Beyer, Duane Bauer, Amanda Niskodé-Dossett and Terry Lynn Eggert.
Who should attend?
- Employees who are veterans who would like to learn about their rights and opportunities.
- Employees who supervise or work with veterans or those in active military service.
- Employees who have family members who are veterans or in active military service.
- Employees who want to support and enhance the student experience for veteran students.
Visit the Leadership Academy’s Web site for details and to register.
Workshop objectives:
- To understand what veterans may experience as they reintegrate into their lives after service in the military.
- To recognize how their reintegration will influence their experience at St. Thomas.
- To learn how to best support veterans at St. Thomas, along with their family, friends and co-workers.
- To identify resources available on and off campus that support veterans.
- To increase awareness of the employment laws that apply to veterans and those in active military service.