The tragic death of Trayvon Martin provides a harsh reality of the ongoing racial tensions in society and the dangerous consequences of negative stereotypes. As a community we share responsibility for dismantling a legacy of hate and indifference, and creating a future that is more peaceful and just.
The Challenge Day 2012 program on Tuesday, April 17, offers students the opportunity to participate in an interactive workshop: "Racism and Privilege: Re-Understanding Race in America." Poetic Assassins, on their website, note that they will engage students in "an examination of the traditional mainstream understanding of race and attempts to move beyond this narrow definition moving closer to an equitable future." Participants will "wrestle with how race and class play off one another in order to create and maintain the status quo throughout history and into the current day."
This is one session you won’t want to miss!
The program will be held from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Woulfe Alumni Hall, Anderson Student Center; a light lunch will be provided. No need to form a team this year, just bring an open mind and be prepared to listen, discuss and be inspired to help dismantle oppression.
Poetic Assassins will also perform in Scooter's from 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 17.
For more information about Challenge Day 2012, email
Challenge Day 2012 is sponsored by Student Diversity and Inclusion Services, Office for Mission and Institutional Diversity, Campus Ministry, International Student Services, and the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice.