This week we finished our two-week J-term fresh with the leadership and communication skills needed to start and succeed in our second semester. On Wednesday we were assigned to our ABR (Applied Business Reserach) clients. The list of clients this year was quite diverse, including Dairy Queen, Hennepin County Medical Center, internal University of St. Thomas clients, Best Buy, General Motors and others.
My team was assigned to Best Buy, and we are very excited about our project! It will be demanding and definitely a unique experience for all us. Plus we have the 18 years of experience in the area of marketing research of our ABR instructor, Prof. John Sailors, to enhance this experience.
Now we have to start preparing our brains again for the second semester of the full-time program. In addition to ABR, classes this semester include financial management, operations management and managerial accounting—and an elective course of our choice. In my case I'm taking economics strategy—considered a must-have if you are interested in consulting.