Since The Grill opened in the 1960s, student have been spending breakfast, lunch and dinner in Murray Hall – now part of Murray-Herrick Campus Center. But that soon will change when the Anderson Student Center opens in January. The new facility will be the primary home for food service on campus as what was once Murray Hall begins transitioning to office and classroom space.
But before the big move, Dining Servicesis throwing one last party. Everyone is invited to Scooter's on Tuesday, Dec. 20, from 6 p.m. to midnight. According to The Grill's manager, Gayle Lamb, Dining Services staff are lightening the load they'll need to move to their new space in ASC by emptying the fridge for an eclectic menu celebrating more than 50 years of dining in the hall.
In addition to free food, there will be karaoke, bingo, pool, music – and giveaways drawn ever half hour. Mona White, Scooter's manager, encourages everyone to "bring your dancing shoes!"
Since Lamb began working at St. Thomas 26 years ago, the student population has doubled but the amount of space dedicated to food service has remained the same. She said staff has gotten creative to keep up with the increased demand: "Our staff is very good at problem solving – we work miracles every day."
The move to the ASC will offer not only more space but also more opportunity to develop new menu options. "We are geared up and excited for a fresh start," White said. Read more about how food service will be transformed in "Anderson Student Center: You've got to eat."
For more information, contact Lamb, (651) 962-6062.