There is an enormous need for donations of food for people in need, especially during the fall and winter season. The Information Resources and Technologies staff is sponsoring a food drive to benefit Bill’s Pantry, a local nonprofit agency that serves families affected by HIV and AIDS.
If you are able to help out, bring nonperishable food donations to any one of the four drop-off sites listed below at any time now through Thursday, Nov. 17. Lists of "most needed foods" and "nice to haves" are included on the food drive's event poster.
Donations of money also are needed; checks should be made payable to Bill’s Pantry and sent via campus mail to Julie Kimlinger, Mail #5004.
For more information visit the Bill’s Pantry website. For information on the food drive email Kimlinger or any of the IRT volunteers responsible for the drop-off locations:
- Room LL14, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center – Amy Cullen, (651) 962-6869
- First-floor rotunda, O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center – Jane Shriver, (651) 962-5488, and Karen Batdorf, (651) 962-5401
- Lower level mail room, Aquinas Hall – Cindy Sundberg, (651) 962-6262
- Second-floor circulation desk, Charles J. Keffer Library – Andrea Koeppe, (651) 962-4647