Graduate Programs in Software Holds 'Tasty' Information Session for all Undergraduate Majors Today

St. Thomas’ Graduate Programs in Software will hold a “tasty” information session for all  undergraduate majors at 6:30 p.m. today, Tuesday, April 5, in Room 126, John R. Roach Center for the Liberal Art.

Pizza, and the first 100 in attendance get a a free GPS T-shirt.

Not sure what you’ll be doing after you graduate? Stop worrying and learn how you can set yourself apart and get ahead in the job market with a graduate degree in software. Regardless of your major you can benefit from this session. Learn about in-demand master’s degrees (including the MS/MBA dual degree), graduate certificates in software, the application process and requirements, and get your questions answered.

Fun Facts
The Wall Street Journal named the job of software engineer as No. 1 this year (2011). From The Wall Street Journal: “Software engineer Jesse Severe says he can pretty much throw a dart on a map and find a job … he's contacted by headhunters at least once a month, at times has been able to work from home for half his workweek and makes a comfortable living.“ (Jan. 4, 2011)

Can't make it?
No worries. Contact Graduate Programs in Software, (651) 962-5500, or to schedule a time that works for you. (Sorry you’ll miss out on the pizza and T-shirts.)