Archive Posts
Q&A with Paul Schmitt B.A. '09, M.S. '11
Paul Schmitt B.A. ’09, M.S. ’11, an alumnus of the computer science program, is a doctoral student at the University of California-Santa Barbara, where he’s working on improving wireless Internet access in developing parts of the world.
Three Undergraduates Honored by Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program
University NewsSophomore Maria McQuillan was awarded a scholarship, and juniors Anna Grim and Ryan Slechta were given honorable mentions by the prestigious and competitive program. -
Doing a Bit of Good With Bitcoin
University NewsDavid Duccini ’94, ’99 M.S.S.E., is the founder of Do a Bit of Good, a Bitcoin-based charitable organization he hopes will do some good while helping to change the conversation on cryptocurrencies. -
Quantitative Literacy: Not Just for Mathematicians
I’m not the person my students think I am. -
Knowing Beyond Learning: STEM Learning Communities Help Students Apply Concepts
“THE MEANING OF ‘KNOWING’ HAS SHIFTED FROM BEING ABLE TO REMEMBER AND REPEAT INFORMATION TO BEING ABLE TO FIND AND USE IT.” -NOBEL LAUREATE HERBERT SIMON, 1996 I have spent much of the last 12 years teaching various topics in statistics, research methods and measurement to undergraduate and graduate students at St. Thomas and elsewhere. My… -
Plugging Data Leaks with Security Education
When hacker group Lulzsec posted thousands of stolen usernames and passwords online in June 2011, something troubling happened. Other Internet users around the world started using this information to break into people’s accounts at sites such as Amazon, PayPal and Facebook. Because many people choose the same password for multiple websites, learning someone’s login information… -
The Idea of Vocation
University News"Beyond Career to Calling" explores ideas of career as more than just a job -
Student-Faculty Research
University NewsPoster session exhibits fascinating faculty-student research