Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, will give a presentation on “Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning” (also the title of his latest book) on Thursday, April 19. Free and open to the public, the event will be held at 7 p.m. in the John R. Roach Center for the Liberal Arts auditorium, Room 126.

Dr. Massimo Faggioli
Faggioli worked in the “John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies” in Bologna, Italy, between 1996 and 2008 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Turin in 2002.
In September 2012 Liturgical Press will publish his new book, True Reform: Liturgy and Ecclesiology in Sacrosanctum Concilium. He now is working on a book on the history of church government after Vatican II.
Additional selected publications from Faggioli’s works:
- The history of the document on the bishops of Vatican II, Il vescovo e il concilio: Modello episcopale e aggiornamento al Vaticano II (The Bishop and the Council: Episcopal Model and Aggiomamento at Vatican II) Bologna: II Mulino, 2005
- The edition of the diaries of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (later Pope John XXIII) during his diplomatic mission in Bulgaria, Tener da conto: Agendine di Bulgaria 1925-1934, 2008
- A brief history of the “new Catholic movements,” Breve storia dei movimenti cattolici, 2008 (Spanish translation, 2011)
- Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning (2012)
This event is co-sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Theology Department. Parking is available for a small fee in the Anderson Parking Facility on the corner of Grand and Cretin avenues.
For more information email Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk.