The Luann Dummer Center for Women invites the campus community to a celebratory reception on Wednesday, May 11. The event will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the women’s center, Room 103, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center. Festive treats will be available.
Poster presentations will be given by this year’s student research fellowship awardees:
- Sara Joyce, the undergraduate recipient, will present her work on Florence Goodenough, a pioneering woman psychologist of the 1930s and 1940s (Psychology, Dr. Ann Johnson).
- Rebecca Peine, a graduate recipient, will present “A Place at the Table: The Experience of Women Student Affairs Administrators in Catholic Higher Education” (Leadership in Student Affairs, Dr. Kathleen Boyle).
- Theresa Downing, a graduate recipient, will present her research, “Stephanie Liner’s ‘Corporeal Architecture’ and Womanhouse: Deploying the Essentialist Gendered Space of the Domestic Interior” (Art History, Dr. Shelly Nordtrop-Madsen).
In addition, the women’s center will recognize graduating senior student workers Breanna Alston, Lindsay Schwab and Laura Hentges, along with Women’s Studies students Erin Hagen and Madeline Jack.
Also acknowledged will be the grant recipients for 2011-12 – Sarah Muenster-Blakley, Sara Christenson and Kylee Joosten, and next year’s student workers Robbie Gooding, Melissa Seymour and G. Lee Xiong.