The 2016 W-2s are now available in Murphy Online. They can be found under Employee Services > Tax Forms > W2 Year End Statement. Paper copies of W-2s were mailed on Jan. 30 to employees' home addresses listed in Murphy Online.
For questions or problems logging in to Murphy Online, contact the Tech Desk.
Questions about your W-2? Email the Payroll Office or stop by in Aquinas Hall, Room 202.
Fraud relating to Form W-2 and income taxes has become an increasingly prominent issue. It is important as a community to safeguard our own data, as well as the data of the University of St. Thomas. Listed below are some tips that can help the community battle any attempts of fraudulent behavior:
The IRS will not:
- Initiate conversation through phone calls.
- Send any unsolicited emails suggesting you update any accounts with them.
- Make payment demands without giving you an opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed.
- Require you to make payment through specific methods, such as prepaid debit cards or gift cards.
- Request you to verify W-2 information over the phone.
Beware of emails that use a corporate officer’s name to request employee W-2s or other sensitive information. Learning to recognize and avoid phishing emails is important; do not click links or download attachments from unknown or suspicious emails.
- When creating passwords for online tax software, do not use personal information as part of the password. Avoid using the same password for all of your various accounts.
- Always use security software with firewall and anti-virus protections on your computer and encrypt sensitive tax files if stored on your computer.
- Check your credit report annually, as well as your bank statements and credit card statements
- If you are currently a victim of identity theft and your tax standing with the IRS has been affected, visit
- Beware of fake bills relating to the Affordable Care Act. In prior years, a fake notice labeled CP2000 was circulated to individual taxpayers. The form may arrive by email or regular mail.
For more information regarding IRS tax scams and related resources, visit