Technology Tuesday: IRT gives an update on MyStorage

Technology Tuesday: IRT gives an update on MyStorage

From Information Resources and Technologies

MyStorage is the name of the personal, central storage environment at UST.  A folder is created for all students, faculty and staff; only you have access to your MyStorage folder.  MyStorage is available from any workstation or lab computer on campus via both CIFS (Windows) and NFS (UNIX), and from any computer connected to the Internet via WebDAV.

Your MyStorage folder quota was increased from 200 MB to 500 MB this fall.

WebDAV stands for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, a set of extensions to the http protocol.  WebDAV allows you to use drag-and-drop functionality to edit and manage files on the MyStorage environment.  On July 24, a new URL went into effect for individuals accessing MyStorage via WebDAV. The address for accessing your MyStorage documents was changed to:  If you need assistance connecting to your MyStorage folder via WebDAV, please visit IRT's Help and Support Web page.  Access to MyStorage for on-campus PC's remains unchanged and continues to be mapped as your U: drive.

Backup and restore
Did you know that MyStorage is backed up nightly?  As long as a file has been on the system for longer than 24 hours, you can contact the IRT Tech Desk, (651) 962-6230, and request that a file or entire folder be restored.  IRT backs up the MyStorage environment on a nightly basis; therefore, if you delete a single file, a group of files or even an entire folder that has been in your MyStorage folder for longer than 24 hours, you can contact IRT and we can restore your documents.  If you need to request a restore for something in your MyStorage folder, the Tech Desk will need to know exactly what you need restored (the file(s) name, the folder(s) name) and the date you know the file(s)/folder(s) were intact in your MyStorage folder.

Inside your MyStorage folder is a folder called MyWeb.  This folder is automatically provided to you so that you can publish a personal Web page, if you so desire.  The URL to view your personal Web page content is: (please note: Content served from your personal Web page is subject to the university's Acceptable Use Guidelines/Unacceptable Use Policy).  Content stored in your MyWeb folder counts toward your MyStorage folder's quota.

If you have any questions about MyStorage or any of the technology at UST, contact the IRT Tech Desk at (651) 962-6230 or