Abroad in London, Learning the Importance of Risk Management in Business

As a part-time student working a full time job, going to school can be extremely brutal. This past January I decided to take a break from work and partake in a study abroad program in London on global risk management. It was very valuable for me to take the time away from work to focus solely on an MBA class for one week. Here are my top ten reasons why other students should consider taking an elective study abroad course:

10) Understanding that risk management is an extremely broad topic which is not limited to the financial sector, but can be used in all areas of business.

9) I was able to get outside the classroom throughout the week for excursions to London’s financial district, site seeing, group projects and networking events with speakers and classmates.

8 ) It is extremely interesting content for ALL business professionals – topics such as cultural values, information security, economic, leadership and political risks were covered.

7) No need to learn another language.

6) The warmer climate was a welcome sight compared to the near zero weather back in Minnesota.

5) The condensed course format meant no pressure to get work done and study on the weekends.


4) The ability to have fun with my peers and get away from work to focus solely on school.

3) Completing a three credit class in about a week.

2) Extremely relatable and interesting speakers with insightful information.

1) Simply one of the best ways to network and meet other MBA students.

The UST MBA London study abroad is a great way to network in an international business setting, learn how other cultures conduct business and come to an understanding of how diverse and important risk management can be to the business world.

Amelia Gazlay is an Evening UST MBA student who participated in "Risk Leadership in a Global Context," a J-Term Study Abroad trip to London.