Interested in human rights?
The UST chapter of Amnesty International will hold its first organizational meeting of the year on Tuesday, Feb. 9. Learn about Amnesty International and its priorities for the year, and enjoy a pizza lunch from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 481, John R. Roach Center for the Liberal Arts.
Amnesty International defines itself as "an international human rights organization whose mission is to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied. With more than 2.2 million supporters, activists and volunteers in over 150 countries, and complete independence from government, corporate or national interests, AI works to protect human rights worldwide. Its vision is of a world in which every person – regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity – enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards."
For more information, see the AI Web site, or e-mail faculty advisor Carmela Garritano or AI-UST coordinator Katia Muster.