Classrooms of the Future Conference to be held May 23
The Classrooms of the Future (COTF) annual conference will be held Tuesday, May 23, in Schulz Hall, Minneapolis campus. This year’s theme is “Classrooms of the Future: Critical Reflections on Technology.” The conference is free and everyone is invited. To register, visit the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities Web site.
Classrooms of the Future is an opportunity for higher education professionals to talk about their practices for teaching with technology. The presentations and workshops offered by more than 30 faculty and technologists from more than 14 institutions include titles such as: “Using Current Brain Research to Create Engaging Classrooms” and “Croquet: a Toolkit for Building Synthetic Worlds,” and a variety of topics such as Wikis and Podcasting, plus discipline-specific approaches to using technology for teaching and learning.
Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, will give the keynote lecture on “Critical Reflections on Technology.” His presentation will relate his large body of work on critical theory, critical thinking and discussion to technology.
COTF, in its 12th year, began at the University of St. Thomas and has expanded into a five-state regional conference under the aegis of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities. The conference rotates among its five member institutions.