By Wendy Wyatt and Marty Johnston, Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Faculty Co-Chairs, and Lucy Payne, Accreditation Liaison Officer
We would like to thank all of those who volunteered to serve as criterion committee chairs for the Higher Learning Commission reaccreditation process. After deliberation, the Committee on Faculty Nomination and Elections has selected the following faculty:
- Mission – Mark Neuzil, Communication and Journalism
- Integrity – Agapitos Papagapitos, Economics
- Effective Teaching and Learning – Britain Scott, Psychology
- Substance and Rigor – John Abraham, Engineering
In addition, Joe Kreitzer from Academic Affairs has agreed to chair the Resources and Planning criterion committee.
As we prepare for the self-study and 2013 site visit, the first document we must submit to the commission is a self-study design or plan. The criterion committee chairs, along with Mike Cogan (Institutional Research and Analysis), Craig Marcott (chair of the faculty), and the three of us will work this summer to draft the plan. It must be approved by the Board of Trustees and will set the direction for our work during the next two years.
The plan will address:
- The self-study calendar and timetable;
- The institution’s goals for the self-study process;
- The fit between the self-study process and the self-study report, and how they will meet both the commission’s and the university’s needs;
- The proposed structure of committees or work groups and who will serve on them;
- A working outline that may become the table of contents for the self-study report.
We will share the plan with the university community in the fall. In addition, the fall semester will bring the call for staff and faculty volunteers to serve on the criterion committees.
Please watch for the call and consider volunteering to serve. In the meantime, we invite you to connect with us anytime through phone or e-mail. Our contact information is listed below:
Marty Johnston, (651) 962-5214
Lucy Payne, (651) 962-6724
Wendy Wyatt, (651) 962-5253