The Twin Cities Review of Political Philosophy is a digital, open source political theory publication – aimed at an undergraduate audience – that pulls pieces from both scholars and students from throughout the Twin Cities academic community and worldwide.
The editorial board of TC Review is staffed by St. Thomas undergraduates Brianne Reeves '12, student editor-in-chief, and student editors Nick Sideras '12, John Lauer '13 and Kesha Berg '13. The editorial board works under the direction of faculty adviser Dr. Steven Maloney, a professor in the Political Science Department.
Last year's board of Danielle Legatt '11, Mychal Vlatkovich '11, Brianne Reeves '12 and Nicholas Sideras '12 digitally published Volume 1 of TC Review last September, and the reading public is beginning to take notice.
Several articles from the first volume of the Twin Cities Review of Political Philosophy were recently linked as recommended reading on the Omnivore Blog of Bookforum. Bookforum is a highly visible national publication for intellectual discourse, and the Omnivore Blog in particular is a website utilized by many professional essayists and popular Internet writers for providing links to source material for research and ideas.
"This recognition of the review by Bookforum is an acknowledgment of the hard work of the university's student editors and the generosity of the contributing authors who fill the pages of the TC Review," Maloney remarked.
Among the authors receiving direct mention in the Bookforum links were St. Thomas theology professor Phillipe Gagnon and University of Minnesota political theory graduate student, and former St. Thomas political science adjunct professor, Ross Edwards.