Faculty Center for eLearning lists fall schedule for 'Share It' series
From Information Resources and Technologies
As we prepare events for fall 2007 and beyond, the Faculty Center for eLearning invites faculty proposals for the "Share It" series. The FCL "Share It" series is an opportunity for faculty to conduct a workshop, seminar or lead a discussion with colleagues on their experiences with integrating technology into teaching, learning or research. Faculty will receive an honorarium for conducting a "Share It" event.
Faculty interested in conducting a "Share It" event should e-mail the FCL and include a title and description of the proposed event.
Our fall schedule of workshops, covering a variety of instructional technology topics, is listed below. Please be sure to register for these workshops through Training Online. More workshops may be added and will be listed through Training Online.
Here is the fall schedule:
- "Human Futures for Technology and Education," 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19, in Schulze Hall auditorium, Opus College of Business
This event features cultural anthropologist Dr. Michael Wesch from Kansas State University. For more information and to register for this event, visit the Faculty Center for eLearning Web page.
- "Understanding the Net Generation: Implications for Teaching and Learning," 10-11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 26, in Room 102, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center
This session will explore the experiences and expectations of today's "Net-Gen" students for the use of technology in teaching and learning.
- " Podcasting: Instructional Flexibility and Learner Engagement," 11 a.m.- noon Monday, Oct. 29, in Room 102, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center
Podcasting – what is it, who is doing it, and how does it relate to UST? Whether you just want to hear podcasts or spread the word yourself, join us for an overview of popular terms and technologies in the world of Internet-delivered audio and video. This session would benefit faculty who have heard of the word " podcast" but might have trouble defining or explaining it and would like to learn more about creating and listening to podcasts.
- "Using Adobe Presenter to Enhance Lecture Materials," 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, in Room 102, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center
Adobe Presenter is a plug-in for PowerPoint for recording, editing and synchronizing digital audio with PowerPoint presentations. This session will provide an overview of using Adobe Presenter to enhance lecture materials and presentations.
- "Enhancing Reflection and Assessment Activities: Overview of the Blackboard Portfolio," 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13, in Room 102, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center
This session will provide an overview of the capabilities of the Blackboard portfolio tool and explore ways in which it could be used for student reflection and assessment.
- "Using Blogs and Wikis in Blackboard," 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27
Blogs and wikis are making the rounds within instructional technology discussions. So what are they all about and how might I incorporate them in my teaching? We'll explore those questions using the blog and wiki tools available in Blackboard.
- "How the Net Generation Uses the Library," noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 11, in Room 102, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center
The Net Generation is finding new ways to use the library resources. Come and learn the answers to the questions: How is the "Net generation" different? What is Library 2.0? What are the expectations of today's students? Wikipedia vs. online subject encyclopedias? Take part in a discussion about your expectations of how your students conduct research.
- "Google and Beyond: Advanced Web Search Techniques," day and time to be announced. Check Training Online for updates.
This workshop introduces techniques for making your Google searches more refined and powerful, discusses why you might want to try search engines other than Google, and introduces some other tools to try for those times when traditional search engines let you down.
- "Copyright at UST," day and time to be announced. Check Training Online for updates and description.
- "Current Awareness Services," day and time to be announced. Check Training Online for updates and additional description.
Use automation to keep up on research developments in your field.
If you have any questions about the Faculty Center for eLearning or any of the above events, please e-mail the Faculty Center for eLearning.