Thank you to all who provided feedback on the Institutional Audit for our Higher Learning Commission (HLC) 2013 reaccreditation. The self-study committees have been reviewing feedback on the Institutional Audit and updating the Self-Study.
In May 2013 the subcommittees' recommendations for continuous improvement will be released to the community for comment. A complete Self-Study draft, including the audit and recommendtions, will be released to the community for feedback in early June 2013.
The Higher Learning Commission has set our site-visit dates for Nov. 11-13, 2013. Please hold these dates on your calendar. The site-visit team will meet with groups and individuals from across the campus; in addition, open meetings will be held for faculty, staff and students to talk with the site visitors.
For more information please visit the Academic Assessment and Accreditation website or contact:
- Lucy Payne, 962-6724,
- Wendy Wyatt, 962-5253,
- Marty Johnston, 962-5214,
- HLC mailbox,