How well do you know UST?
Did you ever wonder what percentage of the 1,054 undergraduate students who graduated from UST during the 2002-03 academic year went back to college to further their education? The Institutional Research and Analysis staff decided to find out.
UST membership with the National Student Clearinghouse provides enrollment and graduation data on most college students in the United States. To find the answer to the question above, click here to see the report IR&A developed to identify this group of students. Not only is this information interesting, it also addresses strategic priority Excellence (E1a) as described in the UST Strategic Plan.
As an incentive, the first person who e-mails IR&A with the correct answer to this question will be acknowledged in this column next week. Each month, those who submit a correct response to any of the IR&A weekly Bulletin Today questions during the month will have the opportunity to win a UST coffee mug through a random drawing.
For more information on NSC data, e-mail Sushant Khullar.