Artist Bobby Rogers' new exhibition, "Innocence of Faith," is displayed in the O'Shaughnessy Educational Center at St. Thomas until Dec. 17. Rogers discussed with Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine how he worked with St. Thomas exhibit curator Marria Thompson and why he chose St. Thomas as the place to display his new art.
From the article: “We knew we had this project on the horizon, and at the same time St. Thomas offered me a space to exhibit work and asked if I had any ideas,” Rogers says. “We knew we could easily find a Black or an Islamic space. But we’re always thinking, especially with this project, How do we disrupt the status quo, but how do we do it in a really intimate and beautiful way?”
Almost immediately after seeing St. Thomas’ Department of Art History Gallery — tucked away yet prominent, not in your face yet unmissable, Rogers realized it was perfect.