University of St. Thomas School of Engineering professor John Abraham

In the News: John Abraham on Rising Ocean Temperatures

the guardian

Professor of thermal sciences John Abraham commented for The Guardian on how rising greenhouse gases have influenced climate change and the temperature of our oceans.

From the article: The heat content of the top 2,000 metres of the ocean set a new record in 2021, the sixth in a row. Prof John Abraham at the University of St Thomas in Minnesota, one of the team behind the assessment, said ocean heat content was the most relevant to global climate, while surface temperatures were most relevant to weather patterns, as well as many ecosystems.

“Oceans are critical to understanding climate change. They cover about 70% of the planet’s surface and absorb more than 90% of global warming heat,” Abraham said. “The new study is helpful because the researchers look at the surface temperatures. It finds there has been a big increase in extreme heat at the ocean’s surface and that the extremes are increasing over time.”