Johnny Tauer, head coach of the University of St. Thomas men’s basketball team, was quoted in a story from Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine about summer activities for Twin Cities kids, which featured coach Tauer’s annual basketball camp.
From the story:
University of St. Thomas head men’s basketball coach John Tauer started Johnny Tauer’s Championship Basketball Camp as a 22-year-old fresh out of college himself.
Today, it’s a summer rite of passage for many aspiring ballers. The camp drills you in passing, shooting, guarding, and more, with skill stations and shooting competitions. It also strengthens your mental game big time thanks to Tauer’s experience as a psychology professor who researches intrinsic motivation and prioritizes it in his coaching philosophy.
“This unique type of motivation is incredibly powerful, and is part of the secret sauce behind highly motivated athletes who work hard regardless of their situation,” Tauer says. “Too often, young athletes are enticed with extrinsic motivators that are not easy to sustain, whereas intrinsic motivation is what often separates the good from the great athletes.”