Liz Murphy with a plant.

In the News: Schulze School Grad Liz Murphy Joins CBS Minnesota to Share Future Plans

Liz Murphy ’23, an entrepreneurship major, recent graduate of the University of St. Thomas and CEO of Perky Plant, recently joined CBS Minnesota (WCCO) to share the story about her start-up, which provides organic house plant fertilizer while advancing its mental health mission.


From the story:

“We are on a mission to improve the mental health of a million people through plants and one of the ways we do that is events, twice a year, where we hand out plants to college students for every bottle sold. ... We handed them out the first week of May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month ...”

“... I’m continuing to run Perky Plant. I really want to see this brand grow. We have a really big opportunity to grow it in plant stores, which is really exciting. The Schulze School, the Schulze Innovation Fund and we’re going after that.”