Jan. 9 Bulletin update: Student reports robbery near campus
Public Safety alerts the University of St. Thomas community to a robbery involving a UST community member.
At approximately 5:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 5, a St. Thomas student reported that while running on Mississippi River Boulevard, approximately a ½ block from Exeter Avenue, he was robbed by two men. As the student was running, the suspects ran up behind him, struck him on the head and pushed him to the ground. The suspects held the student down and took his cash and Ipod.
The student, who declined to file a report with the St. Paul Police Department, said the suspects fled north through the alleyway to Otis Avenue.
The first suspect was described as a white male, wearing a blue “ Columbia” style jacket with a hood and blue jeans. The second suspect was described as a black male wearing a black puffy coat, white hat and blue jeans.
Anyone with information regarding this crime is urged to call Public Safety at (651) 962-5100, or the St. Paul Police Department, (651) 291-1111.
Crime prevention tips:
- Do not wear earphones when walking or running alone outside, especially if it is dark. This potentially cuts off audible signals of threats to your safety.
- Call Public Safety to escort you to your destination.
- Walk in groups – there is safety in numbers.
- Don’t take unnecessary risks. Stay in populated, well-lighted areas.
- Report crimes immediately to Public Safety and the police.
- Remember suspect info rmation, including approximate age, height, weight and details on hair, clothing, jewelry, scars, tattoos – anything noticeable.
- Use a buddy system with your trusted friends to watch out for one another.
Public Safety urges you to be pro-active and alert. You can help prevent crime!