The Luann Dummer Center for Women’s November book is titled In the Time of Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez. The book tells the story of four sisters, three of whom were brutally murdered in the Dominican Republic during the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo. The story, and the Mirabel sisters’ fight against the dictator’s regime, is told by the one surviving sister, Dede. For more information on the LDCW Book Club November discussion, click here.
The UN has declared Nov. 25, the day the three sisters were murdered, to be remembered as “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.” Alvarez asks her readers to start a tradition of wearing a butterfly during the month of November to promote awareness of this day.
The LDCW Book Club has teamed up with the Yarn Tamers to hand crochet (special thanks to Susan Anderson-Benson) more than 300 purple butterflies to raise awareness throughout campus. The book club is accepting a small donation for the butterflies, which then will be matched by the Luann Dummer Center for Women and given to the Alexandra House for battered women.
For more information visit the LDCW Book Club Butterfly Project website.