The Leadership Academy, in collaboration with the Office for Mission, will present a variety of seminars throughout the year related to the university's mission and culture. Deepen your knowledge and understanding of St. Thomas' religious nature with the following seminars and more.
Visit the Leadership Academy’s Web site today for details and to register.
Oct. 20: "Faith Dialogues: On Campus and International"
Father Erich Rutten, director of campus ministry at St. Thomas, will explain the importance of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. Our ability to understand each other, work together and live in peace depend on it. What is the status of Jewish-Christian, Muslim-Christian, and Lutheran-Catholic relationships? What initiatives are students leading at St. Thomas?
Nov. 16: "The Mission of UST"
Dr. Mark Neuzil, director of UST's Office for Mission, conducts this examination of the university's mission statement. Learn what the mission means to the daily lives of those who work and study here, and learn more about UST's history and trends in higher education that influence St. Thomas' mission. Each part of the statement will be broken down and discussed.
Beginning Jan. 21: Nine-part series, "Virtues and Vocation – Painting the Virtues: The Balma Frescoes of Terrence Murphy Hall"
UST School of Law professor Susan Stabile, holder of the law school's Robert and Marion Short Distinguished Chair in Law, and Don Beyers, assistant director of campus ministry, explore the seven cardinal and theological virtues – depicted by artist Mark Balma in the frescoes of Terrence Murphy Hall – as they relate to work and life. The facilitators will share reflections and invite participants to consider ways in which the virtues enable us to live out our vocations.
April 12: "Dorothy Day: Catholic Activist and Future Saint"
Dr. Anne Klejment, of the UST History Department, is one of the country's leading historians of the Catholic Worker Movement and its co-founder, Dorothy Day. Klejment leads this session about Day, a convert to Catholicism in 1927 and an ardent pacifist in the war-torn 1930s, and her contributions to Catholic social teaching. Klejment, who has taught at St. Thomas since 1983, will give an informal lecture, lead a discussion and provide handouts for further study.