Next Generation GMAT: Coming to a test center near you in 2012

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)'s Annual Industry Conference.  Deans, program directors, admissions and student life directors, and other business school professionals spent three days discussing the ways MBA programs have been evolving over the past decade.  There are a variety of opinions about how graduate business education will change over the next decade, but there is no doubt that tomorrow's MBA curricula will look quite different from today's.

In response to these changes, GMAC has proposed adding a new section to the GMAT called "Integrated Reasoning," which will help assess prospective students' abilities to analyze data presented in a variety of formats (spreadsheets, charts, text) and come to reasonable conclusions.   The test is meant to more effectively simulate the types of tasks students would face in an MBA classroom and the corporate business environment.

You can learn more about the Next Generation GMAT on, a site popular with prospective MBA students, recently took a look at various reactions to the Next Generation test.  What do you think about the proposed changes to the GMAT?