Mike Reger, CEO of Northern Oil & Gas Inc., will be the next speaker in the University of St. Thomas Alumni Association’s First Friday Speaker Series at noon Friday, Nov. 5, at Nicollet Island Pavilion, 40 Power St., near downtown Minneapolis.

Mike Reger
Reger’s talk, sponsored by the School of Engineering, will focus on his perspective on the oil industry and the efforts to develop domestic oil reserves.
Northern Oil & Gas Inc. is a public gas and oil exploration and production company, based in Wayzata. Most of its leases are in the Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana, where the company is exploring the Bakken Formation. According to the U. S. Geological Survey, this area is the largest oil reserve in the lower 48 states, containing 5 billion recoverable barrels of oil using current technology.
A native of Montana and third generation leader of the family oil and gas company, Reger attended UST and earned two degrees before starting his own business in the early 2000s. By 2006, after deciding to develop the exploration and production areas of his family business, he oversaw the drilling of the first well in North Dakota.
On first Fridays of each month during the academic year, the St. Thomas Alumni Association’s First Friday Speaker Series offers lunch and a speaker of current interest. St. Thomas alumni and friends, along with the general public, are invited. Cost of each luncheon and presentation is $25. Student tickets are $15.
For reservations and more information, call the St. Thomas Alumni Association, (651) 962-6430, or register online at the association’s Web site. The deadline to register is Friday, Oct. 29.