The University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business, in partnership with Fredrikson & Byron, P.A., and LarsonAllen LLP, will present the fourth annual Executive Conference on the Future of Health Care on Friday, Oct. 28. The conference will be held from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the university's Minneapolis campus.
Developed to assist health care leaders in their efforts to effectively implement state and national reforms, the event will feature experts discussing cutting-edge trends, forecasts for the future of the industry and best practices from leading organizations. The day also will provide useful networking opportunities with other leaders who want to shape the future of health care.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn about which innovations will drive the industry and how reforms will change the health care landscape for future generations. The conference is geared to health care leaders in public policy, provider organizations, insurance companies, payor organizations, government agencies and health care-related nonprofits.
“Controversial and unprecedented, The Affordable Care Act means a new reality for America’s health care industry,” said Dan McLaughlin, director of the University of St. Thomas Center for Health and Medical Affairs and the author of Responding to Healthcare Reform: A Strategy Guide for Healthcare Leaders. “These changes mean that to remain relevant and successful, health care organizations must focus on collaboration, integration and innovation. The conference will feature speakers who are models for implementing exactly these strategies.”
Health care innovators speaking as keynote presenters at the conference include nationally recognized visionaries G. Steven Burrill, CEO and founder of Burrill & Co., and Dr. Russ Richmond, CEO of McKinsey Hospital Institute, along with Earl Pomeroy, a national political leader who played a major role in the passage of the Affordable Care Act and served as North Dakota’s lone representative in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1992 to 2010.
State leaders discussing the impact of state-level reforms on the industry include: State Rep. Steve Gottwalt, who chairs the Health and Human Services Reform Committee; Lucinda Jesson, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services; and April Todd-Malmlov, health insurance exchange director at the Minnesota Department of Commerce.
Cost is $595 per attendee; group rates are available.
To register and for more information visit the Opus College of Business website.