Vice President for Mission Father Larry Snyder issued the following statement today about this week's tragedy in Lebanon.
"On Tuesday an explosion of apocalyptic proportions rocked the city of Beirut, Lebanon. Hundreds were killed, hundreds of thousands were left homeless, and the fragile national economy was dealt a serious blow. Our thoughts of support and prayers go out to the faculty, students and staff of our St. Thomas community who have direct ties to family in Lebanon during this difficult time.
Pope Francis has made the following appeal: 'Let us pray for the victims, for their families; and let us pray for Lebanon so that, through the dedication of all its social, political and religious elements, it might face this extremely tragic and painful moment and, with the help of the international community, overcome the grave crisis they are experiencing.'
With the threat of COVID-19, the hospitals were already at capacity. Now, relief and rebuilding efforts will only be compounded. Please remember the people of Lebanon and their struggles."