Dr. Sarah Armstrong, Dr. Colette Kuhn, Dr. Steve Maurer and Dr. Jeri Rockett, Personal Counseling, were invited to give a presentation at the Minnesota College Personnel Association conference recently at Macalester College. They originally presented the program, “Keep the Faith: Counseling and Spirituality,” at the American College Personnel Association conference last April in Minneapolis.
Dr. William Banfield, Music Department, is the author of an essay, “The Rub: Markets, Morals and the ‘Theologizing’ of Music,” in Noise and Spirit: The Religious and Spiritual Sensibilities of Rap Music, edited by Anthony Pinn and recently published by New York University Press. Banfield’s ensemble, the B-Magic Orchestra, premiered works by two Twin Cities composers -- Howard Collins and Todd Harper -- Nov. 10 at Patrick’s Cabaret in Minneapolis; the orchestra will premiere a piece by Dan Frankowski in April 2004. The commissions were a collaboration among the BMagic Orchestra, Patrick’s Cabaret and the American Composers Forum, funded by the Jerome Foundation.
Dr. Thomas Fish, School of Education, has been selected as a 2003 charter member of the National Community Education Association’s Community Education Hall of Fame. Fish founded the Community Education Center at St. Thomas in 1972; for more than 30 years it prepared people for leadership roles in community education. Fish was one of the founders in 1972 of the Minnesota Community Education Association; he served as president of the association in 1974-75. He also served on the Governor’s Advisory Council for Community Education and was on the board of directors of the National Community Education Association, serving as president of the association in 1978. His work at local, state and national levels over many years contributed to the growth and development of the field. He will be recognized and inducted into the Hall of Fame at the National Community Education Association’s annual conference next month in New Orleans.
Geology Department students and staff were well represented at the recent national meeting of the Geological Society of America Nov. 2-5 in Seattle. Presenters included: student Craig Hill, co-author of an abstract, “Topographic Evolution of Experimental Channel-Scale Alluvial Architecture”; faculty member Dr. Kevin Theissen, co-author of the abstract, “The Plio-Pleistocene Section of ODP Site 188-1165, Prydz Bay, Antarctic Continental Margin: A High-Resolution Integrated-Stratigraphy”; faculty members Dr. Tom Hickson and Dr. Lisa Lamb, presenters of a poster titled “Three Examples of the Use of Inquiry-Based, Data-Centered Exercises in Geoscience Courses at the University of St. Thomas.” Hickson also gave an invited talk, “Using Experimental Sedimentology in Inquiry-Based Exercises: From the Grain to the Basin Scale,” in a special session on teaching sedimentology, and was co-author of two additional abstracts, “Sediment Deposition in Las Vegas Bay, Lake Mead, Nev.: Implications for Marine Sandstone Distributions” and “Building a Geologic History From an Archean to Pleistocene Collage: Learning About Geologic Processes Through Local Geology in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., Region.” Hickson’s work on redesigning his course and presenting this talk was funded in part by a Bush grant.
Dr. John Holst, School of Education, is the author of an article, “Revolutionary Critical Education: In Defense of a Theory and a Challenge to Seek Out Those Who Practice It,” in the Journal of Transformative Education, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Dr. Susan Huber, School of Education, is the author of a recently published book, The Best-Dressed List: Classroom Trends & Cultural Fashions. Published by the Scarecrow Press Inc., Lanham, Md., the book investigates the intersection of American popular culture and classroom culture and offers a series of reflections to awaken students, teachers and parents of school children to the sometimes-pernicious effects of popular culture in the classroom.
Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, Sociology Department, is interviewed and quoted in an article, “The New Family,” in the October-November issue of Family Times.
Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department, was the keynote speaker for the Nov. 7 annual conference of the society for Marketing Professional Services. The title of Kusy’s presentation was “Outmoded Practices Every Leader Must Stop Immediately!”
Dr. Mary Rose O’Reilley, English Department, is the author of a chapter, “The Unconstructed Self,” about 18th-century Quaker abolitionist diarist John Woolman, in The Tendering Presence: Essays on John Woolman, edited by Michael Heller of Roanoke College. The book was published this month by Pendle Hill Press, Wallingford, Pa.
Dr. Kevin Theissen, Geology Department, was invited to give two lectures on climate research in South American for University of Minnesota-Duluth faculty and students on Oct. 7. The first, “Exploring Holocene Paleoclimates of Tierra del Fuego Using Lake Records,” was given for UMD’s Large Lakes Observatory Seminar. The second, “A 25,000-year Record of Paleoecological Change From Lake Titicaca, South America,” was given for UMD’s Geology Department Lecture Series. Both talks reported results and implications of Theissen’s collaborative research on climatic and environmental changes in South America since the last Ice Age.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Graduate Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, and two St. Thomas MBA graduate students, Estelle Beretta and Abigail Ong, a recently completed an extensive report, “The Status of Manufacturing in Minnesota, 2003.” The report was part of a research grant from Minnesota Technology Inc., an arm of the state of Minnesota. As a part of his recent visit to Minnesota, U. S. Secretary of Commerce Don Evans asked if he might receive a copy of the book, Manufacturing Works: The Vital Link Between Production and Prosperity, authored by Zimmerman and Dave Beal of the Pioneer Press.