Dr. Wendy Barger, Journalism and Mass Communication Department, is the author of an article, "Voice for America? A Feminist Analysis of Thomas Friedman's Pulitzer Prize-Winning Commentary," in the International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 16, No. 1, pages 47-58.
Dr. Joe Fitzharris, History Department, is the author of an article, "Field Officer Courts and U.S. Civil War Military Justice," in the Journal of Military History, Vol. 68, January 2004, pages 47-72.
Dr. Camille George, Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, was featured in an article, "Lighter Than Air, Can Fuel Cells Survive the Hype to Become a Long-Term Reality?" in the fall/winter 2003 issue of Minnesota Technology. George teaches a fuel-cell engineering class, the first undergraduate class about fuel cells in the state. See the video featuring her class.
Linda Hulbert, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, is co-author an article, "Utilizing Videoconferencing in Library Education: A Team Teaching Approach," published in the Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Vol. 45, No. 1, Winter 2004, pages 26-35. The article describes the authors' experience using synchronous videoconferencing to deliver library education to two Illinois community colleges.
Father Jan Michael Joncas, Catholic Studies and Theology Department, is the author of a review of Maxwell Johnson's The Virgin of Guadalupe: Theological Reflections of an Anglo-Lutheran Liturgist in Liturgy Re/Sources Bulletin, spring 2003, pages 4-5.
Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, Sociology Department, is the author of a review of Farber's Adolescent Pregnancy: Policy and Prevention Services in the journal, Family Relations, Vol. 53, No. 1.
Norman Larson, a former longtime member of the journalism faculty, is the author of "The Semankos of University Avenue N.E.," part one of which appears in Trembita, the quarterly newsletter of the Rusin Association of Minnesota. The article will conclude in the newsletter's next issue. Larson's maternal grandfather, Gregory Semanko, was one of the founders of what is now St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral in northeast Minneapolis.
Thomas Redshaw, English Department and Center for Irish Studies, is the author of an essay on the political symbology of John Montague's Ulster 1972 "epic," The Rough Field, in Language and Tradition in Ireland: Continuities and Displacements, edited by Maria Tymoczko and Colin Ireland. This anthology of 11 scholarly articles, including an extensive introductory essay, represents the critical thought and latest research by members of the American Conference for Irish Studies. The volume is available from the University of Massachusetts Press.
Dr. Vanca Schrunk, History Department, presented two papers at the annual meeting of the American Institute of Archaeology in January in San Francisco. She read "Archaeology, Conservation and Tourism" in the colloquium, "Tourism and Archaeology: Protecting the Past for the Future." She also read "Roman Maritime Villas in Dalmatia and Istria," presented in the session, "Recent Fieldwork in Greece and the Balkans"; she co-authored the paper with her sister, Dr. Vlasta Begovic, of the Institute for Archaeology at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Dr. John Wendt, College of Business, is the author of two articles published in Picturing Justice, the Online Journal of Law and Popular Culture of the University of San Francisco School of Law. The articles deal with legal issues in the comedies of Bob Hope, "Son of Paleface" and "The Lemon Drop Kid."
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, delivered a keynote presentation, "The Status of Manufacturing in Minnesota," to the Institute of Financial Economics on Feb. 11.