Professional notes
Doug Hennes, vice president for university and government relations, has been appointed to two public commissions. The Mendota Heights City Council selected Hennes, a Mendota Heights resident, to serve a three-year term on its Planning Commission. Metropolitan Council Chair Peter Bell named Hennes to the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Community Advisory Committee, which will examine issues related to the planning, design and construction of the University Avenue project.
Dr. Lily Hwa, History Department, is the author of a review of Representations of Childhood and Youth in Early China, by Anne Kinney, in the Journal of Social History (Vol. 40, No. 1, Fall 2006, pages 222-227). Hwa also was elected president of the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Minnesota; she and its board organized a conference, "Technology and Life in the Global Century: Asia's Transformation," last October. The conference, which featured presentations by five Chinese-American scholars, was co-sponsored by the University of Minnesota's China Center and Institute for Advanced Study and by the East Asian Studies Committee of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities.
Donna Nix, Charles J. Keffer Library, has been appointed chair of the Web Site Resource Guides Editorial Board of the American Association of School Librarians. In this position, she has editorial responsibility for content on the AASL Resources Guides for School Library Media Program Development Web site through June 2009. In addition, she is a reviewer of school library media-training programs for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Victoria Svoboda, associate dean of students, was awarded a $1,000 Norman K. Russell Scholarship at the National Orientation Directors Association conference last fall in Salt Lake City. The scholarship is awarded to recognize and assist graduate or doctoral students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to orientation, retention and transition and who are currently enrolled as a graduate or doctoral student in orientation-related fields. Svoboda is a student in St. Thomas' Ed.D. program in leadership.
Dr. Dawn Swink, Opus College of Business, was invited to present her article, "Taxation and Telecommuting: A New Attack on Employees," to the annual Labor and Employment Relations Association national conference Jan. 6 in Chicago. The association is a professional organization comprised of more than 3,000 practitioners and scholars in industrial relations and human resources.